- (+1) 416-616-7369
- [email protected]
- Mon - Fri 10AM - 4 PM
This service is not funded by any government body but solely supported by community and sangat. We would request you to please generously donate (dasvandh), so that we can provide these services to those in need but unable to afford counselling. Most importantly for those who are looking for a platform where they can be heard and gain some insights to help them lead towards the right direction.
You can assist with any amount of donation by becoming a monthly or annual donor or you can even make a one time donation. You will be provided a taxable donation receipt for your full amount of donation. Donations could be made using following methods:
E-transfer: [email protected]
Cheque: Make it payable to – Spiritual Counselling: Informed Through Sikhi
If you choose to send money via e-transfer please email or text/WhatsApp message us @416-616-7369 your full name and address for us to be able to send you a taxable receipt.
Instant Services
Vision and Aim
Vision working with individuals and communities to provide spiritual and mental health services to support their resilience and wellbeing. Aim is to support individuals with personalized spiritual counselling
Provide individual and group counselling as appropriate
Provide workshops and conferences to support practical parenting
Raise Sikhi awareness in the spiritual community